6 Australian Brands to Level Up Your Fitness This Year


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It goes without saying that keeping fit is incredibly important.

And I’m not just talking about keeping that summer bod in good form through the depths of winter, admirable though that is.

Regular exercise has also been associated with higher energy levels, happiness, better sleep and reduced chances of a bunch of chronic health conditions.

While this all sounds amazing, I’ll be the first to admit that finding the motivation and time to regularly exercise can sometimes be difficult. Between finding the right workout gear, eating well and keeping up essential nutrition, putting time into physical fitness can get a little daunting.

Thankfully, there are plenty of brands that are here to help! Whether you need a little extra kick to finally get into shape, or you’re looking for ways to take your fitness to the next level, these are sure to help you out.

Best part is, they’re all Australian-grown, so you can enhance your fitness while supporting local businesses.

The Upside

Having activewear that you just love to put on can be a hugely motivating factor in getting yourself out the door.

And while we all know that exercise is certainly no runway show (I’m looking at you, sweaty, red-faced grimace), comfort and confidence are sure to put a little pep in anyone’s step.

And pep this chic Aussie activewear brand has got — in spades, I might add.

Whether you’re after a classy French colour palette or in the mood to trot out some cheetah spots, The Upside has a huge variety of workout essentials to help you hit the ground running.


Vitamins and minerals are super important to overall fitness, whether you hit the gym daily or are just getting into exercise. 

Vitamins affect so many of the body’s essential functions like energy metabolism, muscle repair, sleep and digestion, just to name a few. So staying on top of vitamin intake can help you make the most out of your workouts.

This is where Vitable shines. It’s a completely personalised vitamin subscription service that matches your daily vitamin regimen to your diet, how often you exercise and how you feel on a day-to-day basis. 

By taking care of the little things, you’ll keep your body strong so you can make the most of your exercise routine.


Obviously, it’s especially important to keep up your water intake whenever you work up a sweat, but PlantWater takes things to the next level. By harnessing the power of plants, this beverage delivers your thirsty body a suite of essential nutrients to enhance hydration.

Great as a pre or post-workout drink — and sporting a vibrant green glow that just screams I bring refreshment — PlantWater makes for the perfect workout partner, however hard you go.

Edible Beauty

Just like the name suggests, Edible Beauty takes a holistic approach to wellness and beauty by providing your body with the nourishment it needs, inside and out.

And let’s face it. Feeling great in your own skin is probably high up there in your list of reasons for ramping up the exercise.

Edible Beauty has a range of products to help you along in your fitness quest, including collagen-stimulating supplements to support joint health and vegan protein powder for muscle repair.

This amazing home-grown company has even got your back while you’re hitting the gym, with a range of natural, zero waste deodorant blocks that will keep you feeling fresh on your way to fit.


Protein supplements are basically a staple of the workout world these days. And for good reason! 

Protein is essential for cell and muscle repair, metabolism and contains a bunch of amino acids that are essential to good health. 

Finding a reliable, tasty protein powder can sometimes be challenging though, especially when you’re on a plant-based diet.

Amazonia’s protein powders are the perfect solution, packing a punch both flavour and nutrient-wise. These protein powders come in a variety of flavours including vanilla, maple, and chocolate, each delivering a complete protein profile derived totally from plants.


Soulara meal in bowl

Image from Soulara

While protein powders, vitamins and nutrient supplements are all easy, convenient ways to ensure you’re giving your body exactly what it needs, nothing beats the benefits of healthy eating.

But, anyone with a busy life knows that eating healthily is often easier said than done. Without a healthy diet, you’re less likely to keep up the energy and vitality you need to exercise effectively, if at all.

That’s where Soulara can help with its range of delicious, chef-prepared, plant-based meals delivered to your door.

You can select from a huge selection of tasty, seasonal meals tailored to suit your dietary needs.

Whether you’re looking to supplement your own cooking and meal prep or replace it entirely, Soulara is the perfect service to free up your time so you can get out of the kitchen and into the gym.

Whether you’re already an avid gym-goer or are trying to get into regular exercise for the first time, these incredible Aussie brands offer a range of products to help you on the way.

Need a new workout ‘fit? Check out THE UPSIDE’s latest collection, ’New Mood’.


Author Bio:

Jacob Hall

Jacob is a writer who loves travel, beach days, and speaking foreign languages. Jacob has his own blog, Democratista, where he talks about society, history, and political economy.

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